Services and Resources

Community Policing
The Georgetown University Police Department provides a range of crime prevention programs and services for members of the campus community, in coordination with other offices as needed, designed to enhance personal safety, prevent and deter crime and respond to incidents.
Campus Services
The Georgetown University Police Department provides various services to members of the Georgetown community, including but not limited to, event security, SafeRides and individual escorts, a Lost and Found and more.
Crime Statistics and Clery Compliance
In compliance with the Clery Act, the Georgetown University Police Department disseminates public safety alerts to faculty, staff and students, produces an annual crime report and maintains a log of reported criminal incidents.
Weapons Policy Information
Georgetown University is committed to maintaining a safe learning and working environment for all members of the Georgetown Community. Except as expressly authorized within this policy the use, possession, or storage of any Firearm, Explosive, Weapon, Imitation, Replica or Antique, is expressly prohibited (i) on all Georgetown University campuses, grounds, facilities, University leased or controlled property, (ii) at University sponsored events or (iii) in any vehicle owned, leased or controlled by the University. This prohibition exists even if a federal or state license to a carry or possess the weapon has been issued to the possessor.
Threat Assessment Program
Have you been threatened or known someone at Georgetown University who has? Are you worried about a friend or colleague’s safety, or your own safety? Georgetown University’s Threat Assessment Program is available to help address threatening behavior and potentially dangerous situations to reduce the level of threat and prevent harm.
We need to hear from you if you are concerned about your own safety or someone else’s.
Sexual Assault Response Team
The Georgetown University Police Department works with the Health Education Services’ sexual assault services coordinator and other entities to respond and report incidents of sexual assault in a caring and supportive manner. The Georgetown University Police Department Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) has specially trained officers who respond to reports of sexual assault. If you choose to report to the Georgetown University Police Department, ask for a SART officer.
Student Safety Advisory Board
Meeting since 2012, the purpose of the Student Safety Advisory Board (SSAB) is to provide a forum for student collaboration and feedback with the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD) regarding fair, equitable and effective police practices.
Related Links
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Additional information about safety and security at Georgetown can be found below: