Department Organization
Georgetown University Police Department Roles

Chief of Police
The chief of police is directly responsible to the university’s associate vice-president of public safety. This position is responsible for the administration of all GUPD programs aimed at providing a safe and secure environment for the university community. In fulfillment of these responsibilities, the chief of police shall:
- Develop and implement policies, plans, programs and procedures necessary for the administration, control and performance of the functions of security protection and ensuring a safe environment.
- Initiate responsive programs to meet university needs concerning security, traffic control and safety.
- Oversee the activities of the various departmental assignments.
- Prepare and submit to the vice president of public affairs periodic reports reflecting the status, workload and performance of assigned functions.
- Review major investigations of security-related incidents.
- Participate on appropriate committees designed to give the university effective security, safety and traffic control.
- Provide police liaison to all facets of the university community.
Deputy Chief of Police
The deputy chief of police (or designee) is responsible to the chief of police for all operational matters. In this role, the deputy chief of police shall be responsible for the supervision of the police services, support services and special services bureaus.
In fulfillment of these responsibilities, the deputy chief of police shall:
- Supervise and direct all GUPD operational functions.
- Coordinate routine, special functions and operating activities with other university departments, public safety agencies and local and federal government agencies, as necessary.
- Supervise the investigations conducted by the detective sergeant and/or the primary detective investigating the case.
- Supervise the CALEA accreditation coordinator.
- Manage special projects, as instructed by the chief of GUPD, and serve as liaison to the university community.
- Represent and serve as the chief of GUPD in his or her absence.
- This will result in a written directive by the chief of police and posted for all employees (i.e. roll call, e-mail notification).
The captain (or designee) is responsible to the deputy chief of GUPD for all operational matters. In this role, the captain shall be responsible for the supervision of the Police Services Bureau. In fulfillment of these responsibilities, the captain shall:
- Organize and schedule personnel and resources to provide maximum use, and ensure protective and security system effectiveness following established plans and procedures.
- Develop, coordinate and ensure scheduling of duty rosters to achieve efficiency of all Department operations, functions and actions, and make adjustments where necessary.
- Manage the Internal Affairs Investigations Function.
Lieutenant, Police Services
The lieutenant, police services shall manage and review all phases of GUPD patrol operations to develop improved procedures to ensure the optimum use of GUPD resources. This position reports to the police captain and shall have the following responsibilities:
- Review all GUPD written reports, documents, manuals, forms, policies, procedures, etc., with a view toward improving and/or streamlining the administrative process.
- Draft and/or revise policies and procedures to ensure proper compliance with all university policies and/or those generated in other organizations that may affect GUPD operations.
- Provide staff assistance in the planning, research and distribution of department policies and procedures.
- Coordinate the implementation of new policies or programs, as assigned by the chief of police, with the deputy chief of police and captain, to ensure that a uniform and complete application process takes place.
- Assist the chief in developing plans for physical space management, safety management or budgetary developmental assistance when needed.
- Perform such other planning duties as instructed, by the chief of police.
- Manage the operations of the police patrol services.
- Conduct personnel investigations when the need arises for matters which fall within the purview of systems management.
- Periodically conduct inspections of patrol officers, vehicles and patrol work areas to ensure maximum efficiency.
Lieutenant, Support Services
The lieutenant, support services or designee is responsible for the acquisition, inventory, maintenance and repair of all technical equipment assigned to GUPD. In addition, the lieutenant supervises the Communication Center, Information Services, Fleet, Uniform, and Police Equipment and Training. This position shall have the following responsibilities:
- Provide supervision over the department’s Communications Center and all activities related thereto.
- Ensure that Communications Center personnel receive proper training in the operational aspects of the office and can perform the required duties of a radio communications dispatch officer.
- Manage special projects, as instructed by the deputy chief of police, and serve as liaison to the university community.
- Coordinate recruitment, selection and training of new police officers.
- Coordinate in-service and other training for department personnel.
- Evaluate training programs to ensure they meet criteria for improved performance.
- Develop and conduct training programs based on training needs, as identified by the chief of police.
- Assist in the development of additional training officers among GUPD personnel.
- Act as the coordinator in giving training associated with the department’s accreditation program.
- Serve as liaison and coordinator with other law enforcement campus security training officers in the Washington, DC, area.
- Document and maintain a record of all training conducted within GUPD.
- Supervise the recruitment and training sergeant.
Lieutenant, Special Services
Lieutenant, special services shall be responsible for managing the Student Guard, contract guard and special events and shall review all phases of these operations to develop improved procedures to ensure the optimum use of GUPD resources.
This position reports to the deputy chief of police and shall have the following responsibilities:
- Liaison with the various special event coordinators and student groups on campus to staff special events.
- Coordinate all VIP visits to campus.
- Manage the Student Guard manager and the Student Guard operation.
- Oversee all operational aspects of the contract guard service.
- Conduct personnel investigations when the need arises for matters which fall within their purview.
- Oversee SafeRides operations.
- Maintain liaison with groups that are planning demonstrations within the university property that cause concern or are of special interest to the department or the university community.
Shift Supervisors (Sergeants)
Shift Supervisors serve as Patrol Supervisors and are the rank of Sergeant. Shift supervisors ensure compliance with appropriate written directives issued by the Chief and Deputy Chief. The supervisors handle all security, police, traffic and safety matters occurring on Georgetown University property during the scheduled tour of duty and reports directly to the Police Services Bureau Lieutenant. Shift supervisors shall perform the following duties:
- Direct all police, traffic and security matters during his/her scheduled tour of duty, ensuing compliance with all Department operations, procedures and directives.
- Ensure that all personnel on his/her tour of duty are knowledgeable of all current and pertinent orders.
- Schedule on-the-job training on their tour, and coordinate it with in-service training requirements and functions with the training manager.
- Implement and direct the emergency operational plans when authorized and appropriate, and coordinate such activities with the proper agencies and officials.
- Ensure investigations of all complaints, crime, accidents and incidents occurring, reported or observed during his/her tour of duty.
- Inspect personnel under his or her supervision to ensure compliance with orders and procedures.
- Provide recommendations on matters of employee welfare, personnel assignments, training, retention, promotion, discipline and equipment needs.
Master Police Officers
Each Master Police Officer is assigned to a squad supervised by a Patrol Sergeant and has the following responsibilities:
- All duties of a Police Officer.
- Acts as a primary field training officer.
- In the absence of a sergeant, lead the patrol squad through the shift.
Police Officers
Each GUPD Police Officer is assigned to a squad supervised by a Patrol Sergeant and has the following responsibilities:
- Be familiar with routine operations and all orders, rules, regulations, etc., concerning the Department.
- Perform patrol-related duties of specified posts.
- Prepare written reports following established rules and regulations.
- Conduct preliminary investigations to include criminal and non-criminal incidents.
- Perform patrol-related duties, including serving as traffic control officer when needed.
- Protect crime scenes or other incident areas requiring police security.
- Provide well-informed information to the public and University community, and perform other duties as assigned.
Security Officers (Access Controllers)
Security Officers are assigned to a squad supervised by a Patrol Sergeant and while uniformed have no power of arrest.
- A Security Officer is a non-sworn full-time employee and serves as the screening individual for those people seeking entry to certain buildings on University property.
- He or she shall maintain the integrity of the assigned building and ensure that emergency evacuation procedures are carried out in case of an emergency.
- The Security Officer shall make periodic inspections of post buildings, and they shall bring any observed or noted deficiencies to the attention of the controller’s immediate supervisor.
- In case of an unauthorized intrusion, the security officer shall request assistance from a GUPD police officer and notify his/her immediate supervisor.
Detective Sergeant
The Detective Sergeant shall coordinate all aspects of criminal investigations and Student Conduct referrals reports directly to the Deputy Chief of Police. Their duties shall include:
- Supervising the investigation of criminal and non-criminal incidents, ensuring required follow-up investigations are performed.
- The direction of Police Detectives through proven techniques of supervision and police administration.
- Reviewing reports and investigations of subordinates and providing detailed written reports.
- Conducting training sessions to include classroom lectures and on-the-job training programs regarding police security subjects.
Police Detectives shall conduct investigations involving offenses that occur on or adjacent to University property. They shall work under the supervision of the Detective Sergeant and shall perform the following duties:
- Investigate criminal and noncriminal incidents.
- Provide detailed written investigative reports.
- Give directions to GUPD police personnel during emergencies or as needed during incidents of a criminal nature.
- Follow-up investigations for University criminal cases as designated by the Detective Sergeant.
- Direct GUPD personnel during emergencies or as needed when processing incidents that are criminal cases.
- Assist the members of MPD or other local law enforcement agencies investigating criminal activity occurring on University property.
- Coordinate the service of criminal arrest and search warrants that involve subjects believed to be a member of the University community.
- Maintain criminal arrest/suspect records regarding individuals who have contact with the Department.
- Maintain a log on subjects who are repeat criminal offenders or who have been subject to being barred from University property.
- Assist in the Department’s property control maintenance program.
Property Officer
The Detective Sergeant shall supervise the Property Officer. The function of the Property Officer is to give the Department centralized control of property. One police detective shall be designated as the GUPD Property Officer. Duties of the Property Officer include the following:
- Receive, store, control and make proper disposition of all contraband, lost and found property and all other property similarly acquired.
- Maintain a property control log to document all items of property coming into the possession of the Department concerning lost, abandoned, found, prisoners, impounded, etc., type of incidents, and ensure that a proper record contains their disposition.
The Property Officer shall also have responsibility for the storage and disposition of all property until disposal of property can be made.
Duties regarding property include the following:
- Store items of property not classified as evidence.
- Maintain liaison with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and MPD concerning the disposition of evidence turned over to MPD.
- Coordinate with the D.C. Fire Department’s Fire Marshal’s Office regarding the destruction of any illegal fireworks brought into the Department’s possession.
Community Engagement Sergeant
The Community Relations/Crime Prevention Unit shall plan, develop, administer and promote programs to improve GUPD’s relations with the University community. It shall also maintain liaison with other public and private agencies to ensure that cooperation between the Department and these groups is achieved to the fullest possible extent. A Sergeant who reports directly to the Deputy Chief of Police shall head this unit, whose duties include the following:
- Develop GUPD community relations programs designed to promote an amicable association with the University community.
- Develop and implement crime prevention programs, providing coordination for University members.
- As directed, conduct security surveys and make corrective recommendations.
- As directed, administer the crime analysis program, to include the collection, collation, analysis and distribution of University crime-related data, providing feedback analysis and evaluation.
- Provide assistance in answering inquiries to the Department regarding community relations/crime prevention type information, from all interest groups desirous of learning about public safety.
- Evaluate reports of incidents or disturbances within the University community to identify causes or needs that should be addressed through community relations activity.
Training and Recruitment Sergeant
The Training and Recruitment Sergeant shall coordinate all activities related to recruitment, training and field training. The Training and Recruitment Sergeant shall work under the supervision of the Lieutenant, Support Services Bureau and shall perform the following duties:
- Coordinates the delivery of in-service training that includes in-person and online training.
- Maintains training records for all members of the Department.
- Assists as a senior instructor in Consortium Police Academy.
- Maintains all police instructor certifications for department instructors.
- Coordinates Department Field Training (FTO) Program.
- Develop recruitment opportunities to include recruitments events, college career centers and college visits.
- Coordinates the activities of the recruitment officers to assure attendance at events, equipment and supplies.
Communication Supervisor
The Communications Supervisor shall coordinate all activities related to the Communications Unit. The Communications Supervisor shall work under the supervision of the Lieutenant, Support Services Bureau and shall perform the following duties:
- Supervise and manage the operations of the Georgetown University Police Communications Center.
- Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement.
- Training of Communications Center personnel.
- Managing Communications Center Systems and Accreditation Assurance.
- Assure that Communications Center personnel monitor phone and radio traffic to ensure procedural compliance.
- Conduct quality assurance feedback and coaching sessions with assigned employees at regular intervals.
- Assure that Communications Center personnel can operate and monitor sophisticated communications systems including Computer Aided Dispatch and Radio System, and National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
- Initially troubleshoot issues and report appropriate failure to the correct person(s); prepare and complete analytical and statistical reports and memos as required; prepare copies of recordings as directed; remain current on job-specific procedures through attending training courses in order to apply appropriate methodologies.
- Serve as NCIC and WALES Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC).
Communications Officers and Specialists
Communication officers perform the duties of radio dispatcher and operations officer. He or she is responsible for all radio aspects of communications, computer access control systems, alarm systems, and routine and emergency operational procedure implementation. Communication officers shall work under the direct supervision of the Communication supervisor and shall perform the following duties:
- Verify and record information received to provide a chronological log of University support service activities, service requests and emergencies.
- In accordance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), operate and control the GUPD radio system and monitor, broadcast and receive radio calls.
- Monitor the MPD radio that is in the Communications Center.
- Monitor and dispatch personnel in response to calls for service.
- Monitor, control and begin emergency program changes in the computer access system and ensure a response based on computer information.
- Initiate emergency procedures and notify University officials when directed by higher authority.
- Direct assistance of local governmental emergency units.
- Provide information to the public and University community when requested.
Student Guard Manager
The Student Guard Manager shall be responsible for managing the civilian student personnel assigned to the various residence halls on campus. The manager shall be under the direct supervision of the Lieutenant, Special Services. He or she shall perform the following duties:
- Supervise the operational aspects of all student posts on University property.
- Perform on-the-job training and continuous in-service training of civilian student personnel to ensure that they are familiar with the requirements of their position.
- Complete various written reports as required by Department directives and orders.
- Assist with and maintain scrutiny of the student security personnel time and attendance program.
- Serve as liaison with the University’s residence hall staff officials.
- Initiate emergency operational procedures in situations that require such implementation.
- Perform such other duties as directed by the Chief or Deputy Chief.
Student Guards
Student Guards are part-time non-uniformed access controllers with no power of arrest.
- The Student Guard position is classified as a part-time civilian position and under no circumstances are individuals serving in this capacity expected to perform law enforcement duties.
- The Student Guard serves as an access controller inside University residence hall buildings, screening the admittance of students, their guests, University personnel on official business, or representatives contracted to perform services on the campus as well as driving and dispatching SafeRide vans.
- Each Student Guard manager must be familiar with all entry and exit points of the building to which he or she is assigned and must maintain either telephone or radio communication, as directed, with the communication officer.
Information Systems Administrator
The Information Systems Manager shall coordinate all information systems, computers and communications for the Department. The Information Systems Manager shall work under the supervision of the Chief of Police. and shall perform the following duties:
- Manage and coordinate the services and systems required to implement and maintain the day-to-day operations of the GUPD Command Center and related technology within the University.
- Coordinate system planning and problem resolution among users and technology providers, oversee the installation and implementation of security-related equipment, coordinate wiring for new installations, coordinate networking and oversee and maintain the security system applications and various components of the overall security infrastructure, including but not limited to fire detection, video surveillance, access control and panic alarms.
- Manage and deliver end-user training for GUPD Command Center Services, including but not limited to: building and door access, security monitoring and alarming, fire monitoring and alarming, closed circuit surveillance and other applications related to GUPD systems.
- Provide project management oversight for enterprise-level CCTV and alarm monitoring.
- Provide the Chief of GUPD with reports required to facilitate the operation of the GUPD Command Center and overall security operations campus-wide, including statistical analysis of calls for service, dispatch and crimes.
- Provide the Chief of GUPD reports required to facilitate the operation of the GUPD Command Center and overall security operations campus-wide, including statistical analysis of calls for service, dispatch and crimes.
- Manage the enterprise campus trunked radio system.
- Manage GUPD web presence.
Accreditation Manager
The Accreditation Manager shall coordinate all activities related to Accreditation and Planning. The Accreditation Manager shall work under the supervision of the Deputy Chief of Police and shall perform the following duties:
- Responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring the Georgetown University Police accreditation program independently and with minimal supervision, as well as assisting and supporting other department functions; coordinating and prioritizing tasks and projects simultaneously; attaining and maintaining expertise in areas of responsibility; possessing an understanding of the agency’s organization and systems; and preparing and presenting reports verbally and in writing.
- Serve as the Department’s authority and primary contact for the accreditation program.
- Develop, plan and organize professional standards to improve and modernize existing policies and procedures in support of the Department’s mission; recommend best practices based upon research into applicable standards in the profession; review and design/redesign policies and procedures for conformity to accreditation standards.
- Draft reports and written directives that achieve accreditation objectives. Represent the Chief of Police at local and national commission conferences. Maintains files containing proofs of compliance. Ensures thorough audit and quality control methods that accreditation standards, once achieved, are maintained.
- Maintain files containing proofs of compliance.
- Ensure thorough audit and quality control methods that accreditation standards, once achieved, are maintained.
Senior Business Manager
The Senior Business Manager shall run the fiscal and human resources function of the Department. The Senior Business Manager shall work under the supervision of the Chief of Police. and shall perform the following duties:
- Directs, manages and coordinates financial, HR and general administrative operations.
- Analyzes, plans, develops and manages departmental budget.
- Advises staff in all financial, HR and other University policies and procedures.
- Implements effective internal controls.
- Reviews and approves all expenses, travel, conference registrations, trainings, purchasing and personnel transactions.
- Departmental liaison to human resources and University Services financial affairs.
- Supervises administrative staff in department to include executive assistant, HR/personnel assistant and student employees in administrative operations.
- Develops and negotiates departmental contracts for services, including late-night transportation and contract security services.
- Oversees development of annual budget; manages the payroll process; conducts budget revisions, as necessary; analyzes and reviews income, expense and transfer transactions for accuracy; projects departmental expenditures and adjusts priorities as necessary to ensure compliance with budget parameters; implements effective internal controls and monitors compliance with University Services and Financial Affairs policies and procedures.
Administrative Coordinators
The Administrative Coordinators work under administrative and general direction and provide managerial control for the GUPD clerical systems, including personnel, payroll, accounts payable, budgets and office services. The Administrative Coordinators work under the supervision of the Chief and the Senior Business Manager and their duties include the following:
- Administrative management of all personnel actions, assuring control, prompt submission of all forms and compatibility with University policy and existing union contracts.
- Ensure staff compliance with University business policies and procedures, providing management advice and direction in areas of payroll, expenditures and credits.
- Maintain administrative control of the budget, expenditures, debits and credits.
- Ensure maintenance of statistics on all elements of the budget in accordance with budget preparation.
- Direct administrative operations of GUPD to ensure compliance with business policy and procedures.
- Maintains administrative supervision of confidential information and all personnel records of GUPD personnel.
- Maintains confidential payroll and personnel files.
- Processes incoming employees, and prepares all personnel forms relating to employee actions.