Threat Assessment Program

Have you been threatened or known someone at Georgetown University who has?  Are you worried about a friend or colleague’s safety, or your own safety? Georgetown University’s Threat Assessment Program is available to help address threatening behavior and potentially dangerous situations to reduce the level of threat and prevent harm.

We need to hear from you if you are concerned about your own safety or someone else’s.

Contacting the Threat Assessment Team

If this is an emergency or an urgent situation, call 911 or Georgetown University Police on your campus immediately.

If it is not an emergency but you have been threatened, or are worried about your own safety, or the safety of a friend or colleague, please contact the Georgetown Threat Assessment Program to talk with someone in the program about your situation or concern. 

Georgetown University’s Threat Assessment Program serves all of Georgetown’s campuses, programs and schools through several threat assessment teams. Threat assessment team members are trained to identify, evaluate and address potentially threatening situations affecting members of the Georgetown University community.

Who Can Report a Concern?

Any member of the Georgetown University community — students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents or University neighbors — can report a concern if they become aware of threatening behavior or are worried about potential violence to someone at Georgetown or to the university in general. The earlier that the Threat Assessment Program knows about a threatening or potentially dangerous situation, the more we can do to help reduce risk.

You Can Make a Difference

Campus violence prevention depends on members of the Georgetown University community to alert the Threat Assessment Program to worrisome or potentially dangerous behaviors or situations before they result in harm. Recognizing and reporting early signs of a potentially dangerous situation are crucial to preventing violence and serve to enhance the university’s ability to provide assistance to community members who may be in distress. A person that receives help sooner, rather than later, may be less likely to experience more severe symptoms or cause harm to self or others. Thus, threat assessment is a supportive process, not a disciplinary or punitive one.