The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a team of specially trained police officers within the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD). These officers work together with the common goal of providing a community-coordinated response to reports of sexual assault. Working in coordination with University partners, SART strives to respond to survivors with professionalism, compassion and empathy, while providing both on-campus and off-campus resources and ensuring that each survivor gains a solid understanding of all options moving forward and is fully supported throughout their process.

Contact A SART Officer
To contact a SART officer, please email SART@georgetown.edu. Please note that email is not monitored in real time. If this is an emergency please call the Georgetown University Police number (202-687-4343) and ask to be connected to the SART Coordinator, Officer Melaccio.
Essential Services that a SART Officer Can Assist With
- No-Contact Orders: Banning contact between two members of Georgetown University.
- Barring Notices: Banning an individual from Georgetown University, when appropriate.
- Guidance on how to obtain Protection Orders: GUPD may not issue protection orders as they are issued by a judge via the Domestic Violence Intake Centers. Survivors who wish to seek a protective order should consider taking steps to preserve evidence, as it may be necessary to establish proof of criminal domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
- Obtaining a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) at the Washington Hospital Center: For more information, visit this website.